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All the participations to conferences, congress, seminars. Texts sometimes to download.


Oasis ways of life

Wednesday 24 January 2024 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given for the events series “Tête à tête avec un chercheur”, in the Galerie de l’Homme, at Musée de l’Homme, 24 January 2024, Paris (France)


Emergence and evolution of date palm cultivation in Northwestern Arabia

Tuesday 7 November 2023 - Margot Besseiche , Vincent Battesti , Muriel Gros-Balthazard

Lecture (in English) given for the international conference “Human-Environment Interactions in Ancient Arabia” (HEIAA), at the University of Tübingen, 7th November 2023, Tübingen (Germany)


What lies behind fruit crops variety names? The date palm as a case study

Saturday 15 October 2022 - Muriel Gros-Balthazard , Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in English) with Muriel Gros-Balthazard given for the EUNOPS (European Network of Palm Scientists) Conference, October 2022, Geneva (Switzerland)


Perceptions and practices of its environment, contrasted in the oases and in the desert (Sahara, Arabia)

Thursday 23 June 2022 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French/English) given for the workshop “The contour of the senses. Subjectivities, representations and sensitive experience of landscapes by ancient Mediterranean societies”, by the junior laboratory “Nomad’s Lands” (Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée de Lyon), June 23rd, 2022, Lyon (France)


The body put to the cosmic test (The fleshly sociology of manned space flight)

Thursday 21 April 2022 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given with sociologist Julie Patarin-Jossec and astronaut Jean-François Clervoy as part of the Histoire des sens lecture series (L’Odyssée sensorielle), at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, on 21 April 2022, Paris (France).
Including video of the conference.


Cycle of conferences “History of the senses” at the Museum

Tuesday 1 March 2022 - Vincent Battesti

Scientific organization of a cycle de conferences with Léo Mariani, organized by Jeanne-Marie Manaranche, at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, first semester 2022, Paris (France).


The oasis model across the Sahara and the Near East

Monday 31 January 2022 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given for the UTL conferences, Université du temps-libre, of Marennes-Oléron, January 31th 2022, Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, île d’Oléron (France).


Thinking oasis history from the present: date palm agrobiodiversity and Saharan insularities

Friday 12 February 2021 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given for the research seminar “Saharan worlds: sources, spaces, societies (8th-19th century)”, February 12th 2021, IISMM, EHESS, Paris (France).


Domains of urban life in public spaces in Cairo, Egypt

Wednesday 27 January 2021 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in English) with Nicolas Puig given as part of the CEDEJ Research Workshop: “Trade in the city and activities: Observing practices and representations”, January 27th 2021, CEDEJ, online, Cairo (Egypt).


Restaurant, Leisure, Festivals & Celebrations

Wednesday 27 January 2021 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French & English) given as part of the CEDEJ Research Workshop: “Trade in the city and activities: Observing practices and representations”, January 27th 2021, CEDEJ, online, Cairo (Egypt).


Insularity Workshop WG2 in Corsica/Cargese

Monday 26 October 2020 - Vincent Battesti

Co-organizer of the Insularity Workshop from 26th to 31st October 2020 at IESC (Cargese) in Corsica.


Insularity Workshop WG2 in Cyprus

Monday 2 December 2019 - Vincent Battesti

Co-organizer of the Insularity Workshop from 2nd to 5th December 2019 in Plátres in the island of Cyprus.


Sound perception in Cairo: the city through the lens of a Sonic Ecology

Friday 5 July 2019 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

Lecture (in French) with Nicolas Puig given as part of the Third “Congrès des études sur le Moyen-Orient et les mondes musulmans”, July 5th 2019, Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris (France).


Domestication of date palms in Siwa oasis and across the Middle East and North Africa: articulate the scales of ethnography and domestication over the long term

Monday 3 June 2019 - Vincent Battesti , Muriel Gros-Balthazard

Poster (in English) made for the International Symposium Harlan III, from June 3rd to 7th 2019, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier (France).


What is the use of a geneticist to an anthropologist, and vice versa: date palms in the Sahara

Wednesday 10 October 2018 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given for the Master conference « Agrobiodiversité » (AE/AST - UE 39 M2, coord. by Serge Bahuchet and François Léger), October 10th, 2018, 2pm-5pm, at the Musée de l’Homme, Paris (France).


Date palms of the Siwa oasis and the Saharan island network: Status of tested hypotheses

Saturday 22 September 2018 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given during the WG2 Insularities workshop (BioDivMeX), on 22 September 2018 in the Kerkennah Islands (Tunisia).


Insularity Workshop WG2 in Kerkennah Islands (Tunisia)

Thursday 20 September 2018 - Vincent Battesti

Co-organizer of the Insularity Workshop from 20 to 24 September 2018 in the Kerkennah archipelago (Tunisia).


What are the palm trees of the Siwa oasis? Dialogue local and learned responses (morphometry, anthropology, and genetics)

Tuesday 7 November 2017 - Vincent Battesti , Muriel Gros-Balthazard

Lecture given (in French) with Muriel Gros-Balthazard as part of the GDR Mosaïque Closing Days, on 7 November 2017, 02:30 pm-3:00 pm, Montpellier (France).


Corps sonores (4/4) : Acoustiques urbaines : les sons de la société

Thursday 16 February 2017 - Vincent Battesti

Participation in the live radio broadcast “Culture Monde” on France Culture, Feb. 16th 2017, Maison de la Radio (Paris, France)


Questions raised in ethnoecology? Oasis illustrations

Thursday 19 January 2017 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given for the seminar “Anthropologie générale — À l’interface des sciences sociales et des sciences naturelles” coord. by Charles Stépanoff, Andrea-Luz Gutierrez-Choquevilca and Claudine Cohen, for « Paris Sciences et Lettres » Research University EPHE - EHESS - ENS, au Collège de France, January 19th, 2017, 5pm-7pm, Paris (France).


To shun the sound and the fury: ambiances in the palm groves gardens of Siwa Oasis (Egypt)

Monday 17 October 2016 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given (in French) in the International Conference: “Quelles ambiances urbaines dans les oasis du sud de la Méditerranée?” (Programme Zerka), October 17th & 18th, 2016, Sidi Bou Saïd (Tunisia)


Les métiers du Muséum: Ethnoécologue

Wednesday 22 June 2016 - Vincent Battesti

The Muséum’s jobs: Ethnoecologist
Lecture (in French) given for the meetings “Les métiers du Muséum” at the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, June 26th 2016, 3:00 pm-4:30 pm, Paris (France)


Seminar/ talks of research 2016 Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles: Apprendre

Wednesday 27 January 2016 - Vincent Battesti

Anthropology of sensory perceptions: to learn
Organizer of the seminar/talks of research 2016: To learn


“Ça, c’est le son de la société”. Enquêter sur les perceptions sonores au Caire

Tuesday 19 January 2016 - Vincent Battesti , Nicolas Puig

“That, it’s the sound of the society”: To investigate on the sound perceptions in Cairo
Lecture (in French) given in the seminar 2015-2016 “Musmond”: Ethnographier le sensible, restituer l’expérience at the EHESS (bd Raspail), Jan. 19th 2016, 10:00 am-12:30 pm, Paris (France)


Research seminar 2016-2018 Anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles

Wednesday 23 December 2015 - Vincent Battesti

Anthropology of sensory perceptions
Organizer of the research seminar 2016, 2017, and 2018


BioDivMeX Prospective Workshop/ Atelier de prospective BioDivMeX

Friday 2 October 2015 - Vincent Battesti

Conf. (in French & English), participation to the BioDivMeX Prospective Workshop at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), from Sept. 29th to Oct. 2nd, 2015, Saint Michel l’Observatoire (04870) (France)


Closure days of the seminar “Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie; et si on parlait d’autres choses?”

Tuesday 26 May 2015 - Habib Ayeb , François Ireton , Vincent Battesti

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia: let’s just talk about something else?
Co-organizer of a two-days conference for the Closure of the Seminar “Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie; et si on parlait d’autres choses?”, This seminar 2014-2015 was organised within the UFR TES (Territoires, environnements et sociétés) from Paris 8 Université in Saint-Denis (France).


“Cultural Landscape” is a pleonasm and “Soundscape” is a tool

Thursday 15 January 2015 - Vincent Battesti

Conf. (en français) donnée dans le cadre du séminaire « Paysages culturels » de Hélène Artaud, Frédérique Chlous, Marie Roué au Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, le 15 janvier 2015, 17h-19h30, Paris (France)


Categorization of the date palm agrobiodiversity in the oasis of Siwa (Libyan Desert, Egypt): the olive tree categorization should it or can it be similar?

Tuesday 6 January 2015 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given to the Annual Meeting of the GDR Mosaïque at the Institut des Sciences de la Communication of the CNRS, Jan. 6th 2015, Paris (France)


Why geneticists make mistakes. Talking about the date palms of Siwa oasis (Libyan desert, Egypt)

Thursday 9 October 2014 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given for the Transversal Axis seminar « Catégories, constructions et hybridations des savoirs » (Categories, constructions and hybridizations of knowledge) UMR 7206, Muséum national d’histore naturelle, Paris, October 9th, 2014, 9:30am-12:30pm.


Seminar « Les révolutions en Égypte et en Tunisie ; et si on parlait d’autres choses ? »

Wednesday 8 October 2014 - Habib Ayeb , François Ireton , Vincent Battesti

Revolution in Egypt and Tunisia: let’s just talk about something else?
Co-organizer of the seminar semimonthly during the academic year 2014-2015, organized within the UFR TES (Territoires, environnements et sociétés) in Paris 8 University in Saint-Denis (France).


To categorize date palms with no gene and embarrassment in Siwa, oasis of the Libyan Desert

Thursday 13 February 2014 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given to the seminar Ethnobotanique(s): théories et pratiques, Master “Évolution, patrimoine naturel et sociétés” (EDTS), Muséum national d’histore naturelle, Paris, Feb. 11th 2014, 9:45am-12am.


Siwa, Oasis of the Libyan Desert: The secret life of the gardens and their palm trees

Tuesday 11 February 2014 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given to Conférences de La Rahla, Amicale des Sahariens, Paris, Feb. 11th 2014, 7pm


The possibilities of an island: Oasian insularities in the Sahara

Friday 8 November 2013 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture (in French) given at the International symposium “Sea and Desert from Antiquity to the Modern Era: Intersecting Perspectives”
Limoges, November 7th-9th, 2013


Saharan Oasis Gardens: The Beautiful as Sensual Contentment and the Landscape from Below

Friday 15 March 2013 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given for the seminar “Antropological approaches to landscape”, in the course “Anthropology of Nature” of Philippe Descola, at the Collège de France, the 28th Febrary, 2013, Paris (France).


The agrobiodiversity of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Siwa, an oasis of the Libyan Desert: what is said, written and forgotten

Thursday 13 December 2012 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the workshop “Ecological and Anthropological Approaches to Agrobiodiversity and Food systems” from December 6th to 7th 2012 at the Maison française d’Oxford/ Oxford University in Oxford (UK).


Resource mobilization and models mobilization: a tragic agricultural coexistence in oases of the Jerid (Tunisia)?

Tuesday 16 October 2012 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given for the École-chercheurs (researchers-school) “Terroirs et patrimoines ruraux méditerranéens au XXIe siècle: entre idéologie, projets et réalités de terrain” from October 11th to 19th 2012 at the Cadi Ayyad University (Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines) in Marrakesh (Morocco).


Oasis, gardens in the desert

Tuesday 17 April 2012 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given for the exhibition “Les territoires de l’eau, irrigation et partage de l’eau en Méditerranée”
 from Feb. 7th to July 13th 2012 at the Bibliothèque départementale des Bouches-du-Rhône Gaston-Defferre, in Marseille (France).


Mics in the ears: how to ask people in Cairo to talk about their sound universes

Thursday 16 February 2012 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the international workshop held by the collective MILSON: “For an Anthropology of Sound Milieux” (February 16th and 17th, 2012, CNRS/FMSH. ‘Le France’ Building and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris).


Symposium “Landscape evolutions, domestication and agrodiversity”

Sunday 4 December 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Part of the organization committee of the Symposium “Landscape evolutions, domestication and agrodiversity”, December 6th, 2011, Paris


In North Africa and the Middle East, To build, to dream and to anticipate his nature ... in order to escape the environment

Friday 2 December 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Seminar Utopias of Nature, Nature of Utopias – MNHN, 2011


Ownership of resources: a Tunisian update, Back to the oases of the Jerid in 2011

Monday 28 November 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the conference SHS- Méditerranée: “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”, Nov. 28th-30th, 2011, Beirut (Lebanon).


Conference “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”

Monday 28 November 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Conference SHS- Méditerranée: “Ownership of natural and heritage resources: Competitions and rights of access in the Mediterranean region”, Nov. 28th-30th, 2011, Beirut (Lebanon).


1st Afea Congress: Knowledge, No/Our Limit

Saturday 24 September 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Organization Committee of the 1st Afea Congress (Association française d’ethnologie et d’anthropologie), on the issue “Knowledge, No/Our Limit” (21st-24th Sept., 2011 in Paris).


Can we do an ethnography of sound of Cairo?

Monday 9 May 2011 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the conference held by the collective MILSON: “For an anthropology of sound environments” (12 and 13 May 2011, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the Musée du Quai Branly).


“The atmosphere is great”, or the evanescent relationship to soundscapes in Cairo

Saturday 10 April 2010 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Congress of the CTHS, April 10th, 2010 in Neuchâtel - Switzerland.


A Garden in the Desert

Wednesday 18 March 2009 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Médiathèque François Mitterrand in Argentan (Basse-Normandie) and intervention also at the Secondary school Jean Rostand, March 17th, 2009.


The reinvention of ruin when you do not appreciate the landscape, and other spatial considerations in the Arab world

Thursday 12 February 2009 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the École nationale supérieure du paysage (ENSP) in Versailles (France), February 11st, 2009.


Presentation of my Research project

Sunday 25 May 2008 - Vincent Battesti

Research Project: Production of natures in North Africa and the Middle East. The oasis societies as laboratory, Marseille and Paris, March and May 2008.


Socioecological resources: mobilization of natural, ideal and practical resources in urban garden or oasis (Tunisia/ Egypt)

Friday 11 April 2008 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the GREMMO in Lyon (France), seminar “Espaces, pouvoirs et mobilisations sociales dans le monde arabe”, April 2008


Sound ambiances of Cairo: The public space of the Wast al-Balad (Downtown)

Thursday 6 December 2007 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference “La sonorité: usages, symboles, perceptions et normes.” Dec. 2007, Poitiers (France).
In video and in French sign language.


Gardens of the nature: Berber oasis of Siwa in Egypt

Monday 8 October 2007 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Musée de l’Homme (Paris) for the exhibition “Natures vivantes”.


Oases as Socio-ecological Landscapes, The Jerid as an Example

Thursday 5 April 2007 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at Harvard GSD for the conference “Desert Tourism: delineating the fragile edge of development”, Cambridge, USA.


Anthropology of gardens: the gardens of oasis

Friday 9 June 2006 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the seminar Anthropologie des jardins: Jardins historiques, Patrimoine, Paysages, École d’architecture de Versailles, June 2006.


Oases gardens

Tuesday 2 May 2006 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, Paris, May 2006.


Change of uses of public spaces in Cairo: Downtown area and parks

Monday 5 September 2005 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Weekly Seminar of the CEDEJ, June 21st, 2005, Cairo, Egypt.


“Environment needs clay!”, Evolutions of the habitat in the oasis of Siwa

Saturday 2 April 2005 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference Habitat, habitation et urbanisme en Corse et en Méditerranée, Calvi, April 2005.


Change in the Uses of Urban Public Spaces by Cairo People

Friday 22 October 2004 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, Oct. 2004 (AUB), Lebanon.


Natures in the city, Dreams, claims and practices: For a compared project from Cairo

Friday 2 July 2004 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference AFEMAM, Lyon, July 2nd-4th, 2004.


Anthropological investigations in Siwa: some data

Tuesday 4 May 2004 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Weekly Seminar in the CEDEJ, May 2004, Cairo, Egypt.


Parks in Cairo

Thursday 9 October 2003 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the workshop Espaces publics et espaces marchands (Public spaces and commercial spaces); IRD, Bondy, 2003.


Place names of the land registry of Nocario (Haute-Corse), An ethnotoponymic approach

Tuesday 15 April 2003 - Vincent Battesti , Didier Bouillon †

Lecture given at the CTHS Congress, April 15th, 2003, Bastia (France)


The oases of the Sahara: socio-natural constructions

Thursday 16 January 2003 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the CFCC in Héliopolis (Egypt), Jan. 16th, 2003.


Subterfuge in the Domestication of the Date Palm (Tassili n’Ajjer, Algeria)

Thursday 21 November 2002 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference Animal Domestications: social and symbolic dimensions, Maison de l’Orient méditerranéen, Lyon, 2002


The inventions of the Arabic-Muslim gardening natures

Sunday 8 September 2002 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference WOCMES, Sept. 2002, Mainz, Germany.


The oasis gardens: Natures in construction

Thursday 7 February 2002 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Seminar Ethnohistoire des jardins, MHHN, Paris, 2002.


The Power of Disappearance, Water and Jerid in Tunisia

Friday 10 August 2001 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference of IWHA The Role of Water in History and Development,10th-12th Aug. 2001, Bergen, Norway.


The oases’ natures of Jerid (Tunisia), some resources also conceptual

Wednesday 25 October 2000 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at the Conference MEDENPOP 2000, October 25th-28th, 2000, Jerba (Tunisia).


The conception of the labour and the appreciation of the landscape in the Saharan oases

Saturday 16 November 1996 - Vincent Battesti

Lecture given at Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Nov. 1996.